With The Use Of Bible Verses Anxiety Lessens And Becomes More Manageable

By Cathy Mercer

Everyone feels the effect of anxiety from time to time, but there are those for whom this is far more than a brief passing episode. In many sufferers symptoms can worsen to the point that they are completely overcome by a full blown attack. Many are finding that with the continuous use of bible verses anxiety can be brought under control.

Living with this condition can become a constant struggle. Causes amongst patients differs as do the symptoms. The onset may be something as basic as going out of the home, being in a congested space, exposure to unfamiliar people, places or circumstances. It can happen at social occasions, the workplace, or anywhere.

Symptoms include sweating, uncontrolled shaking, palpitations, hyperventilating and stomach cramps. In severe cases this can worsen to include chest pains that mimic those of a heart attack, loss of bladder or bowel control and even complete physical collapse or dysfunctional behavior. Those having never experienced this condition often have difficulty in understanding how it may render people to such debilitating states, but it does.

Treatment varies as much as the cause and range of symptoms. Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, and even hypnotic treatment all are known to help. The illness may be suffered at the same time as a depressive condition which can make diagnosing and treating the condition more difficult.

Something that has had a curative effect in some people is the use of specific passages from the Bible. One could look at this as a form of spiritual therapy. The Bible relates the stories of many characters who were subject to extreme pressure, persecution and personal suffering. The books of Apostles discuss anxiousness extensively through the teachings of Jesus.

Prophets and teachers within other religious groupings also preach and write extensively, guiding their followers with those issues in life that bring on fears and worries. A small number of Biblical references are mentioned here. Further reflection on these and others may help calm the fears of some trapped within the nightmare world of their anxiety.

Within the writings according to the disciple Matthew, and specifically in chapter six verses 25 to 34, the author makes a comparison between mankind and the birds of the air. The point is made that birds do not sow or reap any harvest and yet they survive, through the grace of the creator, to live full and productive lives. The author compares lilies to the splendor of Solomon and asks philosophically whether through worrying and anxiety, a person can add to the length of their lives.

New and old testaments abound with texts related to worry and anxious approaches to life. Luke, chapter 12 and Philippians chapter 4 is a good place to start meditating on ways and means to seek calmness and worry free lives. Psalms 55 and 23 are famed for the inspirational way their authors faced adversity.

Bibles with good application notes and references or one of the many dedicated Biblical Study websites is all that is needed to find these and many other life changing passages. It is nice to know that in these times of great technological advancement, that through something as simple as bible verses anxiety can be calmed and cured.

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