By Studying Bible Verses Anxiety Can Be Conquered

By Estela Bolton

Worrying is a normal human emotion that we have all experienced. Even though it is normal, there are some people who constantly worry about everything in their life and it is not healthy. By reading and learning some Bible verses anxiety troubles may be helped.

Those who worry about not having enough food to eat or drink usually worry about this because they don't have enough money. This is many times caused by unemployment and other worries may include not having enough clothing or a roof over their head. Christ instructed his follower to not sit around wasting their time thinking about these things. It is useless to worry about food, water and clothes as God will always make sure that his people have these necessities.

The bible tells us that God knows all things, and this includes a person's needs. What you should want most is God's kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need. God is basically telling his followers that they should seek him first and all of these things that they worry about will naturally follow.

God continually instructs his people through his word not to worry about food, drink, or anything else that a person has to put in their body. He says the same thing about clothing. He states that a person should not worry about what they will put on it. God does not like anybody questioning his ability to give them everything that they need in their life.

Trust and faith is what God wants from people. He wants everyone to know that he has everything under control. He does not want people to live life by their understanding. He wants them to acknowledge him and let him lead their path in life.

Money issues seem to cause people lots of stress. No matter how much money they make, they'll always have money worries. It is something that both the rich and poor experience. The poor people have problems paying for things. The rich people have massive bills to pay and may even find themselves getting sued all the time and have legal battles. Anxiety does not favor anybody.

A person will have to learn how to deal with problems that they are faced with everyday. The problems will never end and when the problems of today are gone, the problems for tomorrow will come. It is a fact of life and Christ has instructed people how to deal with it.

If you learn your Bible verses anxiety will be a thing of the past. You will learn how to trust in the Lord and live the way he intended. He does not want a person to get sick or ill because of their everyday worrying.

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